Gambia Mighty Visitation Conference: Total Restoration Amid Mighty Deliverance Climax Program, as Conference ends.

Gambia Mighty Visitation Conference: Total Restoration Amid Mighty Deliverance Climax Program, as Conference ends.

…..over 57 Miracle Babies released to awaiting mother’s as Dr Chris okafor prayed for Gambia Govt and it’s citizens.

The Mighty hand of God came down in another Big dimensions at the Gambia Mighty Visitation Conference taking Place in Banjul Gambia, while God releases over 57 Miracle babies, over 200 wedding gowns, New jobs and divine Appointment as the 3 days Prophetic Program The Mighty Visitation Conference ends.

In fact it was indeed a program that will not be forgotten so soon by the God people of Gambia. Diverse kind of Miracles was recorded, Heaven was made loose to deliver various kind of Package to the people, among which is total deliverance from the strong man, bloodline inherited Patterns broken , releases of international travelling document, New homes just to mention but few, the city of Banjul wears a new look, colours and breakthrough.

In his sermon with title The Blood is the Life of the Flesh, The Generational Prophet of God and Senior Pastor Grace Nation world-wide who also is the convener Chris okafor world outreach Ministries COWOM Dr Chris okafor said the blood is the Life wire of the body as a whole , if your body lacks Blood, definitely it can not stand, likewise the man of God said when your altar lack blood, whatever you do cannot be prosperous.

Dr Chris okafor said it is only the altars that has blood on it, wins battles and speak higher things, the Generational Prophet of God said yes, prayers and fasting is Good but not all battles requires prayer for battle to give way, but sometimes what you need is the blood, when you engage the blood, he speak for you even when you are not there the blood will speak good of you, this is the reasons, in most cases , some people work ,work and work without nothing to show for it, where you will also see some people with little labour, but they harvest bountifully, this is because they understand the Principles of the blood, when you engage the blood , it will speak for you.

How do you deal with battles that defer your Prayer, the Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris okafor said the answer is very simple, He said raise a blood sacrifice, put blood on your altar, whenever you raise an altar, the altar will work for you therefore the Apostle of altars said the blood is the Life of the Flesh,Pray ,fast and engage altar and your life will never remain the same.

As the 3 days Prophetic conference come to end the Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris okafor uses the occasion to Pray for the Government of Gambia, He declared divine wisdom upon the Leadership of the Nation, He said Gambia will continue to grow, there Economy will witness divine turn around as he also pray for all the Good people of Gambia, He said by this time next year, Gambia would have grown more economically, Politically and the Mighty hand of Elohim will rest on the land and all it Citizens.

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