The tourists arrived. It was late night Friday. Exhausted, the large crowd, moved into their various chalets, naturally, it didn’t take long before one after another, they drifted off to sleep.
For everyone, the Saturday activities specified breakfast, play and rest, with an evening bonfire. And this was the information on the room table in all of the acquired chalets.
So this particular Saturday morning, one after the other, the tourists filed out from the chalets, into the open grounds of the 65 acres La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort. From the beach front luxury homes at Obailerigi, Kodi, Obieze, Laba, to the lagoon water homes of Oso, Etisho and the forest homes of Anago, Amosan, and Ilerimi, each location offering a different view of the resort for each of the tourists, who came from different parts of the world. China had a representation, India was among, some of the ladies were Italians, so Europe was there, well represented, Africans were among and so were people from Brazil and so on. Professionals, Businessmen and women, Artistes, Models and so on.
This morning, the tourists were in for a huge surprise because, La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort, was ready to showcase, one of it’s best offerings to the guests and which is: The Morning Breakfast Show!
La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort, prides itself for having an array of some of the best chefs, and that’s because, food and mealtimes here, are special moments and it comes in varieties, with great display and ceremonies. You can actually sit, watch your food cooked, while being entertained by cultural troupes! And that has a special restaurant known as the Yoru’Bar, which is located at a part of the resort!
You can also have an a la carte, wherever you want it, at the vast beach resort grounds. In front of the ocean, in the forest, by the pool side, you just name it. With buffet options, breakfast is served at different locations on different days at La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort. No dull moment.
And this morning, the buffet was well laid out at the shore of the Lagoon with opportunity to eat with your feet inside the lagoon water! Ofcourse, it is novel, and sounded attractive to the tourists, who gladly indulge right away, with personal cell phones to capture the scene to share immediately with friends across the world, and for future memories.
At the sight of people in the Lagoon, one of the tourists said to the young man next to him: “Wow, wish I didn’t wear a shirt and trouser to breakfast, I feel like a swim already.
“Your chalet is not far away, you can always walk back and change into something else,” replied the other.
Truly the lagoon water was teasing swimmers for a bath this cool Saturday morning. Moreso, with local fishermen right on the other side of the lagoon floating in sync with the rhythmic moves of their task of catching fishes. At another part of the lagoon, further down, some locals were right in there, playing in the water. And directly opposite the lagoon, where the tourists sat this morning for breakfast, was the blue Atlantic ocean, with its noisy rushing waves, splashing musically on the shore of the ocean!
A sumptuous buffet, with cheerful staff waiting to offer any needed assistance or help information. The tourists took their turns at the stretched out buffet amidst phone calls and selfies, savouring the outdoor breakfast moment.
As they were settling down to their meal, Atunda Entertainment, an in-house dance troupe entertained starting with African gyration, songs that transport the mind, to native African villages, awakening the African bones, stirring the spirit and souls of African communism, recalling the African history, the African ways of life and before one knows it, the guests are motivated, inspired to dance, to gyrate, to identify with their ancestral beats of the African drums, as it speaks to them, in a language only understood by the African soul and blood.
It’s so beautiful, so colourful that even the Chinese, the Indians, spurred by the excitement of the moment, join to dance and gyrate to the African songs and drum beats after finishing their meal.
At this point, more people were rounding up their meal. The selfies continued, because for each of the tourists, it was vital to save, and document the moment, the feeling and the experience.
Meanwhile more activities rolled out on the lagoon. The tourists were either dancing to Atunda’s gyration or watching the morning breafast show taking place before them, from their dinning seats with their cell phone cameras snapping or recording, or taking part in one of the water sport activities on the lagoon.
The tourists queued to take part in riding the kayak, or going on a boat ride or cruise on the lagoon. Some even chose to have their full breakfast in a floating boat on the lagoon! So much fun for one morning breakfast! But that’s what the breakfast show at La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort is about. You can float, eating on the lagoon for a full hour, and return to join Atunda Entertainment gyration on land by the lagoon.
And more options of fun stared the tourists in their faces! The La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort horses were already out at 8am, waiting for riders! All five beautiful stallion, and there was a gathering queue there too, as the tourists rode on horses around the breafast area, down to the other side of the ocean and back to the lagoon.
Some had in the course of the breakfast morning show, danced, rode kayak, even gone on boat cruise and had moved on to beach sports, volley ball, football, all by the lagoon.
So much to do, all on one morning breakfast show!
And it was not over, because awaiting the tourists, was a joyful ride on the resort’s power bikes! A great fun going on presently. A speed ride on the lagoon area, the beach front and on the shores of the ocean!
I could hear many of the tourists screaming in excitement, and telling each other that, no where in the world could such amazing fun be found in one place! But at La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort, the morning breakfast show offer, is just but a tip of the iceberg, for what the resort is capable of offering guests!
With about 200 waiting activities, sports and games, the resort is always on top of any expectations of visiting guests, couples or group lodgers.
The fun is unlimited and guests are even offered an opportunity to be on television set of the resort’s television programme, Tourism Half Hour, which is broadcasted around the world!
I could see the delight on the faces of the tourists, refreshed in the natural endowed environment of the resort, as they indulged in one activity or another.
As usual, it has been a full morning breakfast show of good meal, good company for local and international networking, good exercise and relaxation for the body. The breakfast show that has come to change the face of tourism!
Like it is said here, no dull moment, at La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort! And this is the only resort, you can get such offering as a holiday guest anywhere in the world!