Happy Birthday to a Good Mum, Mama Akwei Dadi!!!

Happy Birthday to a Good Mum, Mama Akwei Dadi!!!

Mama, Akwei dadi may not be the National Anthem
But, like a bell it tolls,
Chiming like a joyful rhythm in the mind of them!
Who by your outstretched arms and unstinted palms,
Have come to know the meaning of love
Pure and comforting like a soothing balm.

Mama Akwei Dadi is their song, a cord binding their grateful hearts to you, Mother of the nation,
Who on several occasions
have taken to the road, In search of succor,
lLike a chief scavenger, who must tend the flock
heart beating,, eyes supplicating for them,
Their true avenger,
Pen dripping, your words soliciting for them.

At 63, you’re elegant, yet an emblem
A beaut, yet a beacon
Of hope, renewed
With much grace imbued.

Happy birthday, Mummy.

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