The Limit Breaker Texas : Instructions Break Limitations – Dr Chris Okafor.

… best way to serve God is to be foolish before him.. Okafor
To break out from every Limitation militating against once greatness is to understand the Principalities and Technicalities on how to forge ahead in Life.
Speaking at Day 2 of the ongoing Program The Limit Breaker Conference in Texas Houston United States of America, The Generational Prophet of God and Senior Pastor Grace Nation Global Dr Chris Okafor the Problem of Most Christians is that, though they go to church to pray but many of them have in mind what they want God to say about them, they ignore instructions.
The Generational Prophet of God also remarked that Every instruction the spirit gives might not be convenient but when you listen and implement, you will break out of Limitations.
The Clergyman who teaches on the Topic “Breaking Limitations” said when you accurately implement the instructions Elohim gave, What will come after will blow your mind, Limits in your life, Jobs, Marriage, Finance, Health, will be broken.
In conclusion Dr Chris Okafor explained that when you pray and sacrifice, sometimes it might seem nothing is happening in the Physical but in the spirit realms the mega plan of God Is ongoing and not too long the Breakthrough will be so feasible that the world will call you a true child of God cause instruction breaks Limitations.
It was all-round Healing , Deliverance, restoration and Solution to Problems during the realms of the Prophetic at the conference, God used his servant Dr Chris Okafor in a strange way to profile Solutions to different case files brought before God, while Testimonies are flying in from Participants who attended the day one of the Conference.
If you are in Houston Texas and environs and you miss the first two days of the Limit Breaker Conference you can join God’s servant on Day 3, (i.e) 20 November 2024, The Venue is Holiday inn West way Park 4606 West way Park Blvd Houston TX 77041 and the Time is 4pm